Improve your organisational culture, Faster!

A positive culture in an organisation encourages the workforce, makes staff feel valued, motivates and encourages openness and confidence in everyone. Our programme allows you to make an impact 20x faster than with traditional initiatives.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing are central to creating the type of supportive culture in which staff can flourish and services can be carried out effectively.

Our approach is different


it is time consuming, easily forgotten and does not embed change.


go straight to change, with short, collaborative game like actions that are impactful, fun and interesting.

Nominated for Awarding Organisation of the Year for Delivering Real Impact on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

See What Some Of Our Partners Have to Say

Langdon Park School

Richard, the Headteacher at Longdon Park School wanted a new way to improve Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the schools and really promote staff wellbeing. Already building on a solid foundation, the school has now created a new role just to make full use of the benefits of working with ABMA Impact.

Smoothstone Care 

Smoothstone Care will soon be adding a new building to their site and Daniel wanted to make sure that the staff started off with a strong culture and EDI footing that they could grow from.

How It Works

How Can You Get a More Inclusive Culture?

Act Now!

We provide you with everything needed to create the organisational culture you want, saving time, money, disruption and most importantly, lost value through evaluations that don’t prioritise your staff.

With our evaluations, actions, toolkits and support, you can improve your organisational culture, be able to identify priority areas, with fast results and enjoy implementing the change. 


Staff feel their culture is not supportive


Staff have thought about switching roles in the last 12 months


New staff leave after 1 year

Masking is happening on average with 61% of your staff regularly.

It is negatively impacting your culture and your ability to reach goals. Management and Leaders who want to stop this happening can solve this with a recording of a Keynote with one of our founders.

    If you want to get started, why not book a time to speak with one of our team now?

    Just click the date and time that suits you!